Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I know you guys look for a laugh here, but since April is poetry month I thought I'd share my prize winning poem. It took second place in the 2004 MA Federation of Women's Clubs poetry contest.


I searched without for happiness,

and I found fragments.

I opened my soul to love,

and my heart was slaughtered.

I covered myself with armor,

and searched again.

It was always right there,

beyond my fingertips.

Waiting for when.

I searched without for peace,

and I found turmoil.

I opened my soul to friendship,

and was rewarded with treachery.

I covered myself with honesty,

and searched again.

I knew it was there,

just beyond my grasp.

Waiting for when.

I searched without for comfort,

and I found indifference.

I opened my soul to kindness,

and found cruelty.

I covered myself with compassion,

and searched again.

I searched without for knowledge

and learned,

I should have searched within.

1 comment:

Ronnie Tomanio said...

Your such a wonder-never told me yo wrote poetry. Good stuff-how about When part two and write about what you found inside-much affection Ronnie